From Idea to Launch: The Product Journey of REC'd

Our involvement in the product journey began with the client coming to us with their idea for REC'd and we continue to guide them all the way to the application release.

We worked closely with the client to design and prototype the initial version of the app, which underwent Beta testing to gather user feedback. Based on this feedback, we made further modifications to the app, which were incorporated into the general release of Version 1 in April 2023.

Through an iterative process of continuous improvement, we set out to help the client gather initial user intelligence and plan a fast-follow Version 2 for Summer 2023. 

Our team has been involved in every step of the app development journey, providing technical expertise and support to ensure the successful launch and ongoing development of the app.

The Team Behind REC'd App Development

Project Manager

UI/UX Designer

Front-end Flutter Developer

Database Architect

QA / Testing Engineer

Business Challenge

REC’d was designed as a social media app that aims to revolutionize the way users connect with their friends, family, and contacts by sharing their favorite movies, books, TV series, and other content recommendations. The client, a tech start-up, approached us with a vision of creating a seamless platform, simplifying the sharing of those recommendations, while also enhancing social interactions, and enabling users to connect with like-minded individuals.

To facilitate the transition of a real-life scenario into a digital experience, we had to tackle several app development challenges:

  • Engaging users: The app had to be user-friendly to encourage frequent utilization.
  • Easy onboarding: Intuitive onboarding was essential for new users to get started quickly.
  • Simple interactions: The app needed to facilitate easy interaction and sharing of recommendations.

Our mission was to create a slick and engaging social media application, for both iOS and Android, that connects people with the same taste in media and enhances their social experience.

Why Build your mobile app?

Hello! It’s Karl Mulligan here, the CEO of Appify Digital!

Welcome to our June Newsletter.

You are likely on our distribution list because, at some point in time, you indicated an interest in having mobile apps developed, or your interest has led you over to our webpage. You may already be on that journey or you may still be wondering if it would be the right thing to do for you or your business.

If you search online for good reasons to build apps, you will find multiple well founded but somewhat generic rationalisations - Digitisation of service delivery, Access to new markets, Augmentation of brand credibility, Live customer engagement, Drive new revenue streams, Create internal service delivery efficiencies blah blah blah…..

It’s not that those reasons aren’t sound justifications to build apps. They all are. The question is how do they relate to you, your business, your customers and your business processes?

So I thought I would share some of the actual reasons, the real reasons, why some of our recent clients have had apps developed. Hopefully one of these stories will resonate with you and serve as inspiration to take the next step!

Case 1: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is proven to be a highly effective tool in improving addictive behaviours. CBT therapy is difficult to access though. Could we build an app to monitor users' addictive behaviours, provide appropriate CBT sessions and measure outcomes. Yes! This app is now built by Appify and is changing peoples’ lives.

Case 2: We are a business that has several onsite and offsite business operations that require daily reporting. This creates masses of paperwork that needs to be submitted, reviewed and approved. Could we create an app with standard reporting and photo attachments that would remove all paper documentation and facilitate ‘one touch’ approval? Yes! We built this app and the client is benefitting from huge time and cost efficiencies.

Case 3: We have a successful board game that families and friends love to play. The problem is that, most of the time, family and friends are not all in the same room at the same time. Could we create a mobile app that would let people in multiple locations play the game at the same time? Yes! That app is now live and allowing friends and families to connect and play board games in a completely new way.

Case 4: We have a successful personal fitness training business that tanked during Covid because on-site sessions had to stop. In order to survive, we created videos that our clients could follow. We found that our clients loved our videos and shared them with others. That was a fantastic endorsement of our training techniques but did not create any new revenue. Could we create an app for our existing customers to download to access all of the video libraries and then invite new users to create subscription based memberships? Yes,and this regional gym now has clients across the world.

Case 5: We all recommend TV shows, movies, books, podcasts etc to our colleagues, friends and family. The problem is that we regularly forget the recommendation and, even if we remember, we don’t know where to access the recommended content. What if we built a new social media app whereby a user could connect with their network, create similar interest groups and share their recommendations? What if the app provided access links to the recommended content? What if the recommended content could then be reviewed and create trends? Done. This app has been built by Appify and just been released in the US.

There are dozens more success stories like these but there is a core truth that I am trying to highlight here. Successful apps deliver real value to real people. If you are considering having a mobile app built, ask yourself these questions first….what value will my app bring and to who? That is absolutely key to all successful apps. There are lots of other factors that contribute to the success or otherwise of mobile apps but start there.

If you believe that you have a high value idea, and would like to bounce it off me for an opinion, book some time with me here for a free, quick chat -

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